A properly cleaned home will help reduce the risk of pests entering and living in your home. To clean, you’ll needto:
1. Clean the interior of your house by removing all food, water, and debris from surfaces.
2. Remove all traps and bait from areas where pests may be hiding.
3. Use a mild soap and water to clean floors and walls; a stronger cleaner may Damage or kill pests if used on Too Much Strength
4. Sweep and vacuum any visible dirt, dust, or clutter from surfaces.
5. Apply an organic sealant to treated wood surfaces to prevent moisture damage over time
6. Wipe down furniture with a damp cloth before putting it away to avoid leaving spots that could harbor pests
7. Place electronic devices in an open area away from direct sunlight or sources of heat (like windows) so they don’t get warm and attractive to ants or other pests.
8. Remove any trapped bugs with a plunger or vacuum cleaner (use caution while grabbing onto furniture to avoid breaking it).
9. Keep your home climate-controlled by adding an air conditioner or window AC to the coolant in your refrigerator or water heater.
How to Ease the Stress of Cleaning and Cleaning Up
One of the most common stressors for home cleaning is the constantly-changing environment inside and outside of the home. To make cleaning less stressful, follow these tips:
1. Establish a routine for cleanings. Make sure to set aside a time each week to clean your home, and stick to it as closely as possible. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed during cleanings. pest control Modbury Heights
2. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ozone generators in your cleaning process. These devices can cause dangerous breathing problems and other health problems, so use them sparingly if at all possible.
3. Make sure to keep your home free of pests and dust mites by regularly spraying it with an electronic repellent or by using traps placed around furniture to catch insects and dust mites (but not pets).